And now, I present to you…my ode to bacon.
Oh bacon, bacon… that tasty treat
I love you when you’re salty
I love it when you’re sweet Read More…
And now, I present to you…my ode to bacon.
Oh bacon, bacon… that tasty treat
I love you when you’re salty
I love it when you’re sweet Read More…
St. Patrick’s Day is coming and I plan to celebrate with 3 fingers of Bushmill’s (1 ice cube, please) and a big ‘ole batch of Guinness Crinkle Cookies. Hells yeah!
There are so many things to consider when you think, “What shall I cook or bake for St. Paddy’s Day, this year?” Read More…
While recipe testing for Clabber Girl, I made The Best Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies ever, so far. You know what I mean. I haven’t made every vegan chocolate chip cookie recipe out there; that would be insane. When would I have time to commute to school, marathon Homeland, or stare off dreamily as I eat peanut butter straight from the jar? Read More…
I’m feeling overwhelmed.
With all the personal work, school work, Clabber Girl work and volunteer work I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I’ve been busy before but for some reason, I’m not handling it so well this time around. Read More…
Time has slipped away from me. How did it happen? …in so many ways but most of all it was work. Once you start baking and shooting for other people, your own work might fall by the way side. Not to worry. I return to you bearing a boozy gift: Bourbon Pecan Pound Cake.
Recently, I made a mini peanut butter bundt cake which is handy if you want a bundt cake that bakes in under 30 minutes. This here bourbon pecan pound cake is more traditional (60 minute bake time), but I might like it more. Why?
Bourbon is like bacon: it makes everything better. Out of all the recipes I’ve tested for Clabber Girl so far, it’s definitely one of my favorites.
When I first tasted the silky, boozy batter I shouted “Glory be!” to no one in particular. Ok, I don’t think those were my exact words, but you get the gist. Bourbon is great in my glass and my pound cake. You know what I’m talking about.
Just try not to drink all the booze before you start baking. Eh, who am I kidding? Drink it, if you’ve got it.
Recipe for Bourbon Pecan Pound Cake adapted from Clabber Girl