Rose Parade Floats

Dave lied to you.

He promised that I’d write an All Things Thursday post for you last week, but I didn’t. Instead I wrote a little bit about resolutions and french toast sausages. Damn, those bad boys were good!

I guess I could’ve done a double post that day, but I just wasn’t feeling it. After french toasting and photo shooting, Dave and I took to Pasadena to check out the Rose Parade Floats.

It was a good time, but I could’ve done without the 81 degree weather. Wtf Pasadena? Can you give me a break, please?

Rose Parade Float: Sierra Madre

Every year the City of Sierra Madre creates the most spectacular floats. This guy is my second favorite.



Rose Parade Float: Giant Teddy Bear

All you need is love…and a giant teddy bear, of course.

Rose Parade Float: Safari

Tens of thousands of people come to see the floats every year. I think they were all standing around this one when Dave was trying to get a pic. What’s with that lady in the corner? Deep breaths, lady. We’re all in this together.


Rose Parade Float: Safari

So close, yet Safari away.

Rose Parade Float: Safari

Love this one. The lion is so fierce! Roar!

Rose Parade Float: White Suiter

It is a great honor to volunteer for the Tournament of Roses. This “white-suiter” got the job done with flair.

Rose Parade Float: Glenbearian

Check out Glenbearian, aka Meatball. This beloved brown bear is infamous for stealing meatballs from the citizens of Glendale. Can you blame him?

Rose Parade Float: Monster Truck

Alhambra kills it this year with a Monster Truck.

Rose Parade Float: Monster Truck

To top it off, they put monsters in the monster truck. Brilliant!

Rose Parade Float: Giant Flower

A giant flower made out of 1,000 tiny flowers…I think my brain just exploded!

Rose Parade Float: Clown Fish

Look at the detail on those clown fish. Just…wow!

Rose Parade Float: Rocket Ship

Adventures in Space: my favorite float of 2014. It was created by Public Storage.

Rose Parade Float: Rocket Ship

I don’t know who came up with the idea of a crew of aliens aboard a giant rocket ship, but they blew my mind with the colors, design, and mechanics of this float. It opens up for pete’s sake!

Rose Parade Float: Rocket Ship

The aliens were jettisoned from the rocket ship and drove right up to the audience. All I’m saying is…it’s a good thing we weren’t high. Kinda crazy.

…just a few of my favorites from 2014.

I’m so very lucky to live nearby so I can see, up close, all the hard work and creativity that goes into the Rose Parade Floats. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

Until next time, my friends.


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