Don’t you just love a day where you’ve got the green light to stuff your face with See’s candy, spend all day with your favorite person, and eat the finest dinner you can imagine (I’m thinking… surf & turf + decadent chocolate cake)? Read More…
All that talk about your one new year’s resolution and here it is, April 17th and you’ve only written 4 All Things Thursday posts…for shame!
And you’re right. I had a pretty decent start and then things started falling apart-all-things-thursday wise. Then Dave left his studio, we stopped working on the site, and things got a bit worse. I’m not going to lie to you. I wasn’t into I bake he shoots at all. For me, it was a non-entity…something I used to do. I compartmentalized the experience because it just made me sad.
Recently, about 2 weeks ago, Dave and I got back in the game. Dave started shooting again and the results have been amazing! If you put him in the right environment, he will do incredible things-like these Waffles of Insane Greatness. I’m just glad that we’re back; and I feel lucky to be able to work with such a fantastic photographer.
What I’m trying to say is…I’ll do my best not to leave you hanging in the future.
Now…onto the food.
Apparently, you can get amazing Chocolate Mousse with just chocolate and water. Are you freaking kidding me? Food52
How will you spend it? With…a box of chocolates? a bucket of cookies? Six pack of wine? All three? Perhaps, none of the above.
Whatever your choice, be kind to yourself. Tell someone you love them. You know, someone special, not some random dude you met in line at Subway…unless that’s your thing.
My “someone” is all of you. Thanks for visiting, reading, and eating with your eyes. You’re cool people…and I love you all.
The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love. Henry Miller
Sorry that I missed ya last week. I’ve been sick and then it was finals week, blah, blah, blah…
First things first…I’d like to wish my great friends Marsha and Pauline, the happiest of birthdays today. They’re twins, by the way. And, as it happens, they’re both pregnant. How crazy would it be if they both had twins? Just imagine…uh oh, my head is spinning.
Things are looking up here at I bake he shoots. Did you see that graph? We went from 146 to 992 visitors in one day. Say what, now?
What ‘s most important here is you. That’s right, you. You came to our site, took a look around, hung out, and gave us some cool compliments. Without you this would all be for naught. Well…not completely. Even if you didn’t like us, we’d still get to eat some pretty tasty food at the end of the day.
Hold up a second…I’m getting off track.
What Dave and I would like to do is give you a big, sloppy, wet kiss to show our gratitude. However, that might be quite difficult and kinda gross. So instead, we’ll give you a hearty…
Thank You!
We promise…this is just the beginning.
Dave & Mondo
There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. Morpheus