Rose Parade Floats 2015

I apologize.

We’ve been gone way too long. But I return with pics of floats.

No, not the kind you eat, silly… Rose Parade Floats 2015! Cue the happy dance in 5, 4 , 3, 2…

Look at that face! I don’t think anyone is having as much fun as she is! My favorite float of them all!

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Burrito Box: What Was I Thinking?

The Burrito Box. An L.A. fixture that dispenses tortilla wrapped mediocrity.

Ok….here’s what I was thinking.

There’s a machine that doles out warm burritos in West Hollywood. No matter what I have to check it out.

Also, I was thinking…I don’t wanna drive or take pictures, so I guess I’ll bring Dave along.

The Burrito Box. An L.A. fixture that dispenses tortilla wrapped mediocrity.

This place must’ve been the nicest gas station store on the planet. You can’t tell from the outside, but inside they had rows and rows of designer whole grain tortilla chips and European refreshments. Think Whole Foods meets the Gas ‘n Sip.

Anyway, Dave and I waited our turn as a hipster gent tried to order a vegetarian burrito.  His girlfriends discussed their lactose issues.

“I can’t have cheese or sour cream.” the tall one exclaimed.

We waited.

The Burrito Box. An L.A. fixture that dispenses tortilla wrapped mediocrity.

We were entertained by a music video during the interim. Did I mention that the Burrito Box wants you to dance while you wait for mediocrity? No? Well, it does.

“That’s mighty kind of them.” I thought.

Not sure why I started thinking like a farm hand, but it doesn’t matter. It was our turn, so we stepped up to the plate.

The Burrito Box. An L.A. fixture that dispenses tortilla wrapped mediocrity.

Dave and I ordered the Free Range Chicken Burrito. How could it go wrong? The burrito came from happy chickens. Our total came to $3.98.

We waited some more; but at least our ears were blessed by the soothing sounds of percussion-filled techno. Ugh.

Our burrito was ready.

The Burrito Box. An L.A. fixture that dispenses tortilla wrapped mediocrity.

Looked alright in the package, but then we took it out and good lord! The burrito was damp. Damp! It was like the Burrito Box’s cooking method of choice was steam. I took a bite and was completely unimpressed. The chicken was flavorless and the moist tortilla takes you aback.

Perhaps, a bit of hot sauce would help.

The Burrito Box. An L.A. fixture that dispenses tortilla wrapped mediocrity.

It didn’t.

There’s no picture of the burrito. I didn’t want to be reminded of what I’d tasted.

The Burrito Box. An L.A. fixture that dispenses tortilla wrapped mediocrity.

To alleviate my what-was-I-thinking moment, Dave took me to Greenblatt’s, arguably the best pastrami sandwich joint in L.A.  When you come for a visit, skip the Burrito Box and go straight there. Order the #7 and look for the happy chick in the booth behind you. That’ll be me.


Rose Parade Floats

Dave lied to you.

He promised that I’d write an All Things Thursday post for you last week, but I didn’t. Instead I wrote a little bit about resolutions and french toast sausages. Damn, those bad boys were good!

I guess I could’ve done a double post that day, but I just wasn’t feeling it. After french toasting and photo shooting, Dave and I took to Pasadena to check out the Rose Parade Floats.

It was a good time, but I could’ve done without the 81 degree weather. Wtf Pasadena? Can you give me a break, please?

Rose Parade Float: Sierra Madre

Every year the City of Sierra Madre creates the most spectacular floats. This guy is my second favorite.



Rose Parade Float: Giant Teddy Bear

All you need is love…and a giant teddy bear, of course.

Rose Parade Float: Safari

Tens of thousands of people come to see the floats every year. I think they were all standing around this one when Dave was trying to get a pic. What’s with that lady in the corner? Deep breaths, lady. We’re all in this together.


Rose Parade Float: Safari

So close, yet Safari away.

Rose Parade Float: Safari

Love this one. The lion is so fierce! Roar!

Rose Parade Float: White Suiter

It is a great honor to volunteer for the Tournament of Roses. This “white-suiter” got the job done with flair.

Rose Parade Float: Glenbearian

Check out Glenbearian, aka Meatball. This beloved brown bear is infamous for stealing meatballs from the citizens of Glendale. Can you blame him?

Rose Parade Float: Monster Truck

Alhambra kills it this year with a Monster Truck.

Rose Parade Float: Monster Truck

To top it off, they put monsters in the monster truck. Brilliant!

Rose Parade Float: Giant Flower

A giant flower made out of 1,000 tiny flowers…I think my brain just exploded!

Rose Parade Float: Clown Fish

Look at the detail on those clown fish. Just…wow!

Rose Parade Float: Rocket Ship

Adventures in Space: my favorite float of 2014. It was created by Public Storage.

Rose Parade Float: Rocket Ship

I don’t know who came up with the idea of a crew of aliens aboard a giant rocket ship, but they blew my mind with the colors, design, and mechanics of this float. It opens up for pete’s sake!

Rose Parade Float: Rocket Ship

The aliens were jettisoned from the rocket ship and drove right up to the audience. All I’m saying is…it’s a good thing we weren’t high. Kinda crazy.

…just a few of my favorites from 2014.

I’m so very lucky to live nearby so I can see, up close, all the hard work and creativity that goes into the Rose Parade Floats. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

Until next time, my friends.


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year, Friends! It’s 2014.

How was your Eve? Did you party like it was 2013 1999? Did you stay in, drink a bottle of Bushmills, and watch X-Files reruns? Or did you go out, stain your favorite party dress, and hit Del Taco at 2am?

I’m not saying I did these things, I’m just saying whatever you did…no judgments.

Just color me happy that you’re all safe, taking it easy, drinking a cup of coffee, and thinking about the year ahead. That’s what I’m doing…minus the coffee part, of course.

Pondering the new year, I can’t wait to see what it brings. Hopefully, good things. Hopefully, tons of smiles, friends, and food…and you. Thanks for checking in; I’ve missed you. Dave and I have something new for you. So, come on back tomorrow and bring your appetite.

Peace and Blessings,
